House of Dubs | WILHELM
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Mandrus Wilhelm aftermarket upgrade Mercedes Benz wheels are an architectural tour de force. The ten swept back spokes are moderately recessed, highlighting the broad outer lip. Then the center hub is modestly sunken, adding to the articulation of the spokes. The sculpted appearance of the wheel could only be achieved through the unique casting process we employ. The Wilhelm family of Mercedes rims serves the full range of Mercedes automobiles and SUVs. Diameters range from 17 to 22 inches, in widths from 8.5 to 10.5 inches. How will the Mandrus Wilhelm look on your year, model and color Mercedes? Use the Configurator tool for a preview.

Bolt Part 1

Bolt pattern list

Hub Size

Cap number


Load rating

Long Finish Name



SKU: 2085MAW325112B66 Category: