House of Dubs | D213F
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Fuel 2 pc. dually wheels do not need adaptors and are available for stock and lifted applications. 22” wheels have 3 rear outer wheels available with offsets for street, mid level lift kit, and large lift kits with wider M/T Tires. The 24” wheels have 2 rear outer wheel options, street and lifted to fit up to a 13.50” wide tire.

Street – 2.5” spacing for street and A/T tires as wide as 275 mm

Lifted – 3.5” spacing for street and A/T tires 285 – 325 mm wide and 12.50” wide M/T tires.

Extreme – 4.5” spacing for 13.50” wide M/T tires.

Bolt Part 1

Bolt pattern list

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Hub Size


Long Finish Name


SKU: 832-D213F248258BLANKC1 Category: